
Danceworks Shine #1 (Olds) – March 21-23, 2025

Danceworks #1 (Red Deer) – April 3-6, 2025

Catch A Rising Star (Drumheller) – April 11-13, 2025

Nova 1 (Olds) – May 2-4, 2025

Festivals will always be optional.

Festivals are meant to be an exciting and positive learning experience for all dancers.  One of the most important aspects of dance is the actual performance; getting out on stage and performing can be both exhilarating and scary for dancers.  Festivals give students the opportunity to perform their routines more then once during a regular dance season.  Students are able to experience the encouraging atmosphere of a positive dance competition, while being able to showcase their own individual and group talent.  It is also a wonderful chance for our dancers to watch other dancers perform, which gives the students the opportunities to encourage one another, as well as inspire or be inspired to push themselves to new limits.  At festivals, dancers are adjudicated according to their level of training within the set dance discipline.  The comments and marks from the adjudicator can help dancers to improve, through constructive evaluation, which can build the dancers’ confidence and skills.

Being able to be a part of a healthy competitive environment is very important for dance students.  Move Yourself Dance Ltd. is committed to providing students with an energetic, artistic and positive dance environment, which is why we would like to encourage our dancers to take part in festivals.  It is important to know that we do not go to festivals to judge ourselves or others. Festival should be a very positive experience.  We want our students to come away with a feeling of accomplishment and renewed passion for dance.

What to Expect?

Festivals are usually held out of town and students will need to travel to them.  The festival that we are interested in attending is tentatively booked for a weekend; however, there is always the possibility that they may be held throughout the week.  Schedules are sent out with exact dates and times approximately a month before the festival.  Students will be expected to arrive at the festival 1.5hrs before their scheduled performance time.

Students are encouraged to watch other dances while at the festival.  Move Yourself Dance Ltd. would like to strongly recommend that we show support for our other dancers that may be taking part in the festival, and we encourage our dancers to watch each other.  Feel free to come early or stay late!!

Festivals are very busy!!  Change rooms and rehearsal areas are available; however they can be very hectic.  The instructors will be at the festivals to help prepare the students, get them warmed up and on stage when needed.  It is a very excited place, so dancers need to be responsible and understand that the instructors may not be with them at all times.

What is Required from the Dancers?

Attending festivals is a big commitment for both the dancers and the instructor. Dancers must be dedicated to their dance group. Dances have to be finish by the beginning of March to perform in the festivals, as festival session runs from the end of March through to May. We want our dances to be the best they can be before we take them to festivals so dancers will have to work hard in class and really push themselves. For those dancers and groups participating in festivals they will need to make a commitment to come to class every week and work very hard to complete the dance routine. Good attendance is extremely important when preparing for festivals; students need to be present in class so they can learn the new choreography and take in the important corrections from their instructors.

We are going to be introducing something new this year, we will be introducing a MANDATORY attendance policy. For ALL students registered in festivals, we will require them to miss no more than 3 unexcused classes between January & May. If there are more than 3 unexcused absences, the dancer will be unable to participate in festivals. If you have any questions regarding the Attendance Policy please contact office@moveyourselfdance.com